Monday, November 30, 2009

DIY: Lemon Drop Martini

Posted by Kelly

Our days in the dorms resulted in many a horrible cocktail concoction...

Leslie and I in our dorm room Sophomore year
undoubtedly drinking room temperature vodka and juice when we moved into our house in North Portland it was time to create something delicious! Lemon Drop Martini's became one of our go to cocktails throughout college when we were feeling classy and preparing for a great night, or when we just needed a tasty drink to take our minds off the pile of homework ahead of us.

Leslie and I, Junior year, sipping on tasty lemon drops!

The recipe is easy and sure to impress.

Lemon Drop Martini Recipe:
1 1/2 oz Vodka (Plain or Citrus)
1 oz Triple Sec

1 oz Lemon Juice
Simple syrup to taste, about a spoonful

You will need:
Juicer (electric, old school, or we've used our hands, a spoon...whatever gets the juice out!)

Martini Shaker

Start by making simple syrup. This is easy, and you can make extra to put in a glass container and store in the refrigerator for future creations. I like to make the mixture using approximately 2 parts sugar to 1 part water. This way the syrup is thicker and I use less of it. Heat 1 cup water, add 1.5 to 2 cups of sugar and let the sugar dissolve completely. Allow it to cool and store the extra.

Next juice your lemons, quantity will depend on how many drinks you're making and how juicy your lemons are.

In your martini shaker, for 1 drink (double for 2), combine ice, 1 1/2 oz of vodka (for affordable plain vodka I prefer Monopolowa, for citrus anything goes, we've used Burnetts, Smirnoff, Absolut, Sky....use your favorite) 1 oz Triple Sec (also use your judgment, but some have more alcohol content than others, just saying) 1 oz lemon juice, and a spoonful of simple syrup.


Pour into sugared rim martini glass. Garnish with a small slice of lemon peel or a lemon twist.


Photos of a handful of other Lemon Drop Martini worthy occasions...

Leslie's 21st Birthday!

Jenna comes to visit!

A night out downtown!