Wednesday, September 8, 2010

DIY Happy Hour: Berry Martinis

Posted by Katie

Today was my first day back at school, which means summer is officially over. Sad.

And with the end of summer also comes the end of berry season. So if you want to make these fresh and delicious Berry Martinis, you better get on it.

But first, a warning: I think it's well-known (and appreciated?) that Kel and I are pretty heavy-handed when it comes to mixing cocktails. This recipe is no exception. But usually when that happens you can taste our generosity. Not so much with these guys. So take it slow...unless you prefer not to remember your nights.

What You'll Need:
- Smirnoff Raspberry
- Fresh raspberries (or strawberries)
- Sugar
- Fresh limes (or the juice from those plastic limes, in a pinch)
- Sprite (for the weak-hearted)
- Ice

Step 1: Make the berry puree.

Combine a carton of berries and some sugar in a blender. Use more sugar if the berries are sour, less if they're sweeter. And probably you want to start with less, because you can always add more if needed. But you already knew that.

Blend until smooth.


Look at my fancy strainer. I got it at The Boston Shaker. They were actually kind of rude to me there. But I think it's because I was wearing workout clothes and my hair was in a pony tail...and that usually makes me look about 16. And not old enough to be buying cocktail supplies.

Step 2: Juice the limes.

I made these at Anna's apartment so I didn't have my beloved Cuisinart juicer to do all the grunt work for me. But this kind works just as well.

Step 3: Combine all ingredients (except the Sprite!) in a shaker over ice. Shake.

- 2 oz Smirnoff Raspberry
- 2 oz berry puree
- 1 oz lime juice

(Feel free to adjust the puree/lime juice ratio to your own preferences. More puree = thicker, more raspberry taste. More lime = more tartness.)

Step 4: Sugar the martini glass rims. 

You know how to do this.

But just in case you forgot...Rub the rim with a leftover lime rind, place in dish filled with sugar and lightly rotate the glass. Easy! And so pretty!

 Step 5: Pour martini mixture into glasses

 Optional Step 6: Top the martinis with Sprite before you serve them.

This is for those that don't take well to strong drinks.

Personally, I prefer my Fresh Berry Martinis without Sprite, but that means more alcohol in each martini... and I did almost biff it about 20 times during the walk from Anna's to all those bars on Boylston. Although, in my defense, I was wearing my highest pumps and you try walking a mile on cobblestones in 4 inch heels. It's hard.
